My Approach 

Relationship First

Research continues to show that the most crucial factor for therapy that works is the relationship between the therapist and the client. How much I know is not what is most important. What matters most is that my clients feel seen, heard, safe, and respected. As therapists, our professional ethics require this of us. Over the years I’ve been in the mental health field, I’ve found that one’s personal character makes the most significant impact on everything, especially the therapeutic relationship. I strive to be honest, transparent, and kind while holding healthy professional boundaries. Nothing is more important to me than creating a genuinely safe and supportive space for those I serve. Healing happens within healthy relationships.

What Works

I use interventions and therapy practices that are shown to be helpful by research. In my work, I aim to balance the science of therapy techniques that are backed by research with the art of real human connection. I stay updated on current research by reading peer-reviewed journal articles, ongoing training, reading, and consultation with peers.

Individualized Care

Because of my Humanistic and person-centered approach, I work to draw out the strengths of my clients and focus each session on their individual goals and needs. I believe no two people need the same approach, and there is no universal formula for creating positive change. As the hosts of Sawbones (one of my favorite podcasts) say, “cure-alls cure nothing.” 

Your path is your own. My job is to help you find your footing and support you on your unique journey.

Reach Out

Please contact me to schedule a free consultation to learn more about working with me.